
Posts Tagged ‘Scottish Terrier Gifts’

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I have a confession: I am really bad about checking my mail. In fact, I go weeks and sometimes a month or more without checking it. So when our Peruvian Scottie friend Plutonio and his mom sent us this adorable Christmas gift, I didn’t discover it until after the holidays had already come and gone! Shame on me, Scottie Mom! Not only was the gift itself a surprise, but I quickly learned that if you put hot water in the cup, another surprise awaits: the deep red color fades away and the photos turn from black and white to color! I just thought this was the coolest thing ever and had to share. Kudos to you, Plutonio’s Scottie Mom! And many thanks for this adorable mug. How can I not love it? It’s got two of my favorite Scottie faces all over it!

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Don’t know what to get that special Scottie Mom in your life this holiday season? Look no further! Heather and Mr. K helped me compile a list of things they think any Scottie Mom would love to receive as a gift this Christmas.

7. Scottie Dog iPhone Case. Relatively inexpensive and oh-so-practical. Plus, there are tons of designs to choose from. The Scottie Mom on the go will smile every time she looks down at her phone as she’s reminded of her beloved Scottie(s) at home! Try CafePress or Zazzle to start.

6. A stocking full of Scottie! Find the smaller Scottie items like Scottie novelty soap bars, Walker’s Scottie Dog Shortbread, Scottie wallets, etc., wrap them up and place them in a Scottie stocking.

5. The Illuminated Steel Frame Scottie Dog Sculpture. For the Scottie Mom who’s not afraid to show off her glowing love of the breed publicly by adding this sweet decoration to her outdoor holiday lights display.

4. Scottie Dog iPad cover for the technology-savvy Scottie Mom. Check out this fun one designed by Coach.

3. Comfy, cozy Scottie pajamas. You can find these just about anywhere but Macy’s as a fair selection currently on sale for $38. (If you pick the right colors, you can find matching Scottie slippers to go with the pajama set there, too!)

2. A customized photo album. Filled with photos of her one true love: Scotties! Better yet, support a local photographer in your area and surprise Scottie Mom with prints from the session.

1. Another rescue Scottie. The ultimate gift you can give a Scottie Mom (or a Scottie Mom-to-Be)! You’ll not only be giving a Scottie in need the gift of a happy home but you’ll be enriching your own life by opening your home to a little extra Scottie Love.

P.S. Don’t think we forgot about you, Scottie Dads. Check out these vintage Scottie dog cufflinks!

Got other gift ideas you think fellow Scottie Moms should know about? Tell us about them in the comment box below. Happy Holidays!

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Remember the EASY-BAKE Oven, the “learn how to bake but not really” toy for girls? This Scottie Mom had one growing up and I really haven’t developed my baking skills since that time, believe it or not. That is, until now. Apparently there’s a new bake kit in town that seems to operate on Scottie Mom’s very basic cooking skills level. The best part? (Besides the fact that the kit is decorated with a Scottie and red/black plaid!) It’s a bake kit for dog treats so I’m sure my taste-testing audience will be very generous with their feedback!

I owe this latest Scottie-decorated find to Heather and Mr. K’s Scottie Grandmadre. Once again, she has managed to defy expectations and come up with a pawesome Scottie gift. This time, one that is sure to keep giving (assuming Scottie Mom learns how to properly bake some tasty treats and doesn’t get too frustrated with the biscuit maker!). And while Heather and Mr. K were a little unsure of the wrapped box when they first saw it, I’m sure it won’t take more than once or twice for them to realize what the treat kit looks and sounds like – meaning, there won’t be any surprising these two once they make the connection that the box with a fellow Scottie on it means the infamous “T” word (and hopefully, tasty ones at that!).

The bake kit for dog treats comes with an electric cooking appliance that reminds me of a George Foreman grill and boasts the ability to cook up your doggie’s treats in minutes. Several cookie cutters and suggested recipes also come in the kit as well. My favorite part of the kit, by far, is the use of the Scottie as the logo on the tin that holds everything and also on the biscuit maker itself. What Scottie Mom wouldn’t love that? My judgement (as well as Heather and Mr. K’s) on the rest of the kit and how well it bakes will come down later this week, more than likely, after I have a moment to get over the fact I’ll be baking a batch of cookies for my beloved Scotties before I even attempt to make one for myself and Scottie Dad!

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